Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-09-30 13:44 3daae2ca

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refactor(algebra/abs): add has_abs class (#9172) The notion of an "absolute value" occurs both in algebra (e.g. lattice ordered groups) and analysis (e.g. GM and GL-spaces). I introduced a has_abs notation class in for lattice ordered groups, along with the notation |.| and was asked by @eric-wieser and @jcommelin to add it in a separate PR and retro fit has_abs and the notation to mathlib. I tried to introduce both the has_abs class and the |.| notation in #8891 . However, I'm finding such a large and wide-ranging PR unwieldy to work with, so I'm now opening this PR which just replaces the previous definitions of abs : α → α in the following locations: Out of scope are the following abs : α → β: Replacing the abs notation with |.| can be considered in a subsequent PR.

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