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Commit 2019-04-10 17:14 41014e50

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rename has_sum and is_sum to summable and has_sum (#912)

Estimated changes

deleted theorem pmf.has_sum_coe
added theorem pmf.has_sum_coe_one
deleted theorem pmf.is_sum_coe_one
modified def pmf.pure
added theorem pmf.summable_coe
modified theorem pmf.tsum_coe
modified def {u}
modified def has_sum
modified theorem has_sum_add
added theorem has_sum_hom
deleted theorem has_sum_iff_cauchy
added theorem has_sum_iff_has_sum
deleted theorem has_sum_iff_vanishing
added theorem has_sum_ite_eq
added theorem has_sum_le
added theorem has_sum_le_inj
modified theorem has_sum_mul_left
modified theorem has_sum_mul_right
modified theorem has_sum_neg
added theorem has_sum_of_has_sum
deleted theorem has_sum_of_has_sum_of_sub
added theorem has_sum_of_iso
modified theorem has_sum_sigma
deleted theorem has_sum_spec
modified theorem has_sum_sub
modified theorem has_sum_sum
added theorem has_sum_tsum
added theorem has_sum_unique
modified theorem has_sum_zero
deleted def is_sum
deleted theorem is_sum_add
deleted theorem is_sum_hom
deleted theorem is_sum_iff_is_sum
deleted theorem is_sum_iff_is_sum_of_iso
deleted theorem is_sum_iff_of_has_sum
deleted theorem is_sum_ite_eq
deleted theorem is_sum_le
deleted theorem is_sum_le_inj
deleted theorem is_sum_mul_left
deleted theorem is_sum_mul_right
deleted theorem is_sum_neg
deleted theorem is_sum_of_is_sum
deleted theorem is_sum_of_is_sum_ne_zero
deleted theorem is_sum_of_iso
deleted theorem is_sum_sigma
deleted theorem is_sum_sub
deleted theorem is_sum_sum
deleted theorem is_sum_tsum
deleted theorem is_sum_unique
deleted theorem is_sum_zero
added def summable
added theorem summable_add
added theorem summable_iff_cauchy
added theorem summable_iff_vanishing
added theorem summable_mul_left
added theorem summable_mul_right
added theorem summable_neg
added theorem summable_sigma
added theorem summable_spec
added theorem summable_sub
added theorem summable_sum
added theorem summable_zero
deleted theorem tendsto_sum_nat_of_is_sum
modified def tsum
modified theorem tsum_add
added theorem tsum_eq_has_sum
deleted theorem tsum_eq_is_sum
modified theorem tsum_le_tsum
modified theorem tsum_mul_left
modified theorem tsum_mul_right
modified theorem tsum_neg
modified theorem tsum_sub
modified theorem tsum_sum
modified theorem tsum_zero