Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-10-17 13:18 41b56455

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chore(topology/algebra/ordered/basic): move code out of basic (#9772)

Estimated changes

deleted theorem is_compact.Inf_mem
deleted theorem is_compact.Sup_mem
deleted theorem is_compact.exists_is_glb
deleted theorem is_compact.exists_is_lub
deleted theorem is_compact.is_glb_Inf
deleted theorem is_compact.is_least_Inf
deleted theorem is_compact.is_lub_Sup
deleted theorem is_compact_Icc
deleted theorem is_compact_interval
deleted theorem is_compact_pi_Icc
deleted theorem nhds_left'_sup_nhds_right
deleted theorem nhds_left_sup_nhds_right'
deleted theorem nhds_left_sup_nhds_right