Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-07-17 04:14 41e467ac

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feat(analysis/complex/abs_max): add a version of the maximum modulus principle (#15364)

  • Add versions of the maximum modulus principle that assume strict convexity of the codomain and prove f x = f y instead of ∥f x∥ = ∥f y∥

  • Add a version of the maximum modulus principle for arbitrary open connected sets.

  • Add supporting lemmas.

    • More lemmas about strictly convex spaces and norm (eq_of_norm_eq_of_norm_add_eq, same_ray.eq_of_norm_eq, same_ray.norm_eq_iff);

    • Lemmas about is_max_* and λ x, ∥f x + y∥.

    • Generalize convex.is_preconnected from to a real vector space.

  • Improve documentation.

Estimated changes