Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-10-25 22:36 44c394bb

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feat(data/bool/basic): add several lemmas (#17153) Also rename bool.bnot_false/bool.bnot_true to more predictable names bool.bnot_ff/bool.bnot_tt.

Estimated changes

added theorem bool.bnot_eq_iff
deleted theorem bool.bnot_false
added theorem bool.bnot_ff
added theorem bool.bnot_ne_self
deleted theorem bool.bnot_true
added theorem bool.bnot_tt
added theorem bool.eq_bnot_iff
modified theorem bool.eq_ff_of_bnot_eq_tt
added theorem bool.eq_or_eq_bnot
modified theorem bool.eq_tt_of_bnot_eq_ff
added theorem bool.self_ne_bnot
modified theorem bool.to_bool_not