Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-01-26 04:21 44fd23d1

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chore(data/finset): Rename bind to bUnion (#5813) This commit renames finset.bind to finset.bUnion. While this is the monadic bind operation, conceptually it's doing a bounded union of an indexed family of finite sets. This will help with discoverability of this function. There was a name conflict in data.finset.lattice due to this, since there are a number of theorems about the set version of bUnion, and for these I prefixed the lemmas with set_.

Estimated changes

added theorem finset.bUnion_empty
added theorem finset.bUnion_image
added theorem finset.bUnion_insert
added theorem finset.bUnion_inter
added theorem finset.bUnion_mono
added theorem finset.bUnion_val
deleted theorem finset.bind_empty
deleted theorem finset.bind_image
deleted theorem finset.bind_insert
deleted theorem finset.bind_inter
deleted theorem finset.bind_mono
deleted theorem finset.bind_singleton
deleted theorem finset.bind_val
deleted theorem finset.disjoint_bind_left
added theorem finset.image_bUnion
deleted theorem finset.image_bind
added theorem finset.inter_bUnion
deleted theorem finset.inter_bind
added theorem finset.mem_bUnion
deleted theorem finset.mem_bind
deleted theorem finset.product_eq_bind
added theorem finset.sigma_eq_bUnion
deleted theorem finset.sigma_eq_bind
deleted theorem finset.singleton_bind
deleted theorem finset.bInter_bind
deleted theorem finset.bInter_coe
deleted theorem finset.bInter_insert
deleted theorem finset.bInter_inter
deleted theorem finset.bInter_singleton
deleted theorem finset.bUnion_bind
deleted theorem finset.bUnion_coe
deleted theorem finset.bUnion_insert
deleted theorem finset.bUnion_singleton
deleted theorem finset.bUnion_union
added theorem finset.infi_bUnion
deleted theorem finset.infi_bind
added theorem finset.set_bInter_coe
added theorem finset.set_bUnion_coe
added theorem finset.sup_eq_bUnion
deleted theorem finset.sup_eq_bind
added theorem finset.supr_bUnion
deleted theorem finset.supr_bind
added theorem finset.coe_bUnion
deleted theorem finset.coe_bind
added theorem set.finite_bUnion
deleted theorem set.finite_bind
modified def set.fintype_bUnion
deleted def set.fintype_bind