Commit 2021-08-16 02:20 4bf51778
View on Github →feat(algebraic_geometry/EllipticCurve): add working definition of elliptic curve (#8558) The word "elliptic curve" is used in the literature in many different ways. Differential geometers use it to mean a 1-dimensional complex torus. Algebraic geometers nowadays use it to mean some morphism of schemes with a section and some axioms. However classically number theorists used to use a low-brow definition of the form y^2=cubic in x; this works great when the base scheme is, for example, Spec of the rationals. It occurred to me recently that the standard minor modification of the low-brow definition works for all commutative rings with trivial Picard group, and because this covers a lot of commutative rings (e.g. all fields, all PIDs, all integral domains with trivial class group) it would not be unreasonable to have it as a working definition in mathlib. The advantage of this definition is that people will be able to begin writing algorithms which compute various invariants of the curve, for example we can begin to formally verify the database of elliptic curves at .