Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-06-09 21:53 4e1558bf

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chore(algebra/group_power): simp attribute on nsmul_eq_mul and gsmul_eq_mul (#2983) Also fix the resulting lint failures, corresponding to the fact that several lemmas are not in simp normal form any more.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem commute.gsmul_gsmul
deleted theorem commute.gsmul_left
deleted theorem commute.gsmul_right
deleted theorem commute.gsmul_self
deleted theorem commute.nsmul_left
deleted theorem commute.nsmul_nsmul
deleted theorem commute.nsmul_right
deleted theorem commute.nsmul_self
deleted theorem commute.self_gsmul
deleted theorem commute.self_gsmul_gsmul
deleted theorem commute.self_nsmul
deleted theorem commute.self_nsmul_nsmul
modified theorem gsmul_eq_mul
modified theorem nat.nsmul_eq_mul
modified theorem nsmul_eq_mul
deleted theorem semiconj_by.gsmul_gsmul
deleted theorem semiconj_by.gsmul_left
deleted theorem semiconj_by.gsmul_right
deleted theorem semiconj_by.nsmul_left
deleted theorem semiconj_by.nsmul_nsmul
deleted theorem semiconj_by.nsmul_right