Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-04-18 15:15 4e872238

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feat(tactic/transport): transport structures across equivalences (#2251) Blocked by #2246. Blocked on #2319 and #2334, which both fix lower tactic layers used by transport. From the doc-string:

Given a goal ⊢ S β for some parametrized structure type S, transport will look for a hypothesis s : S α and an equivalence e : α ≃ β, and attempt to close the goal by transporting s across the equivalence e.

example {α : Type} [ring α] {β : Type} (e : α ≃ β) : ring β :=
by transport.

You can specify the object to transport using transport s, and the equivalence to transport across using transport s using e.

You can just as easily transport a semilattice_sup_top or a lie_ring. In the test/transport.lean file we transport semiring from nat to mynat, and verify that it's possible to do simple things with the transported structure.

Estimated changes

added def
added inductive mynat
added theorem mynat_add_def
added def mynat_equiv
added theorem mynat_equiv_apply_succ
added theorem mynat_equiv_apply_zero
added theorem mynat_mul_def
added theorem mynat_one_def
added theorem mynat_zero_def
added def
added def