Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2017-08-28 19:34 50ed0e4c

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feat(algebra/big_operators): add congruence rule and morphism laws

Estimated changes

added theorem finset.prod_congr
modified theorem finset.prod_empty
added theorem finset.prod_hom
modified theorem finset.prod_image
modified theorem finset.prod_insert
modified theorem finset.prod_mul_distrib
modified theorem finset.prod_singleton
added theorem finset.sum_sub_distrib
added theorem finset.fold_congr
modified theorem finset.fold_hom
modified theorem finset.fold_image
modified theorem finset.fold_insert
modified theorem finset.fold_op_distrib
modified theorem finset.fold_singleton
added theorem list.map_congr