Commit 2021-11-04 17:11 52cd4453
View on Github →refactor(data/set/pairwise): Indexed sets as arguments to set.pairwise_disjoint
This will allow to express the bind operation: you can't currently express that the pairwise disjoint union of pairwise disjoint sets pairwise disjoint. Here's the corresponding statement with finset.sup_indep
(defined in #9867):
lemma sup_indep.sup {s : finset ι'} {g : ι' → finset ι} {f : ι → α}
(hs : s.sup_indep (λ i, (g i).sup f)) (hg : ∀ i' ∈ s, (g i').sup_indep f) :
(s.sup g).sup_indep f :=
You currently can't do set.pairwise_disjoint s (λ i, ⋃ x ∈ g i, f x)