Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-07-19 18:28 5306f2df

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refactor(algebra/punit_instances): Move order instances (#15465) The location of those instances means that order files need to pull out a bunch of algebra to use the (trivial) order structures on punit. This moves the complete_boolean_algebra instance to order.complete_boolean_algebra and splits off the boolean_algebra and linear_order instances.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem punit.Inf_eq
deleted theorem punit.Sup_eq
deleted theorem punit.bot_eq
deleted theorem punit.compl_eq
deleted theorem punit.inf_eq
deleted theorem punit.not_lt
deleted theorem punit.sdiff_eq
deleted theorem punit.sup_eq
deleted theorem punit.top_eq
added theorem punit.max_eq
added theorem punit.min_eq
added theorem punit.not_lt
added theorem punit.bot_eq
added theorem punit.compl_eq
added theorem punit.inf_eq
added theorem punit.sdiff_eq
added theorem punit.sup_eq
added theorem punit.top_eq