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Commit 2018-11-05 17:46 53d4883f

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refactor(cau_seq): unify real.lim, complex.lim and cau_seq.lim (#433)

Estimated changes

deleted theorem complex.equiv_lim
added theorem complex.equiv_lim_aux
modified theorem complex.is_cau_seq_conj
modified theorem complex.lim_abs
deleted theorem complex.lim_add
modified theorem complex.lim_conj
deleted theorem complex.lim_const
deleted theorem complex.lim_eq_zero_iff
added theorem complex.lim_im
deleted theorem complex.lim_inv
deleted theorem complex.lim_mul
deleted theorem complex.lim_mul_lim
deleted theorem complex.lim_neg
added theorem complex.lim_re
deleted theorem real.equiv_lim
deleted theorem real.le_lim
deleted theorem real.lim_add
deleted theorem real.lim_const
deleted theorem real.lim_eq_lim_of_equiv
deleted theorem real.lim_eq_zero_iff
deleted theorem real.lim_inv
deleted theorem real.lim_le
deleted theorem real.lim_lt
deleted theorem real.lim_mul
deleted theorem real.lim_mul_lim
deleted theorem real.lim_neg
deleted theorem real.lt_lim
modified theorem cau_seq.complete
added theorem cau_seq.equiv_lim
added theorem cau_seq.le_lim
added theorem cau_seq.lim_add
added theorem cau_seq.lim_const
added theorem cau_seq.lim_inv
added theorem cau_seq.lim_le
added theorem cau_seq.lim_lt
added theorem cau_seq.lim_mul
added theorem cau_seq.lim_mul_lim
added theorem cau_seq.lim_neg
deleted theorem cau_seq.lim_spec
added theorem cau_seq.lt_lim