Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-03-03 23:15 544f45bc

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refactor(linear_algebra/bilinear_form): split off matrix part (#12435) The bilinear form file is way too large. The part that concerns matrices is not depended on by the general theory, and belongs in its own file.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem bilin_form.mul_to_matrix'
deleted theorem bilin_form.mul_to_matrix
deleted theorem bilin_form.to_matrix'_mul
deleted theorem bilin_form.to_matrix_comp
deleted theorem bilin_form.to_matrix_mul
deleted theorem bilin_form.to_matrix_symm
deleted theorem is_adjoint_pair_to_bilin'
deleted theorem is_adjoint_pair_to_bilin
deleted def matrix.to_bilin'
deleted theorem matrix.to_bilin'_apply'
deleted theorem matrix.to_bilin'_apply
deleted theorem matrix.to_bilin'_aux_eq
deleted theorem matrix.to_bilin'_comp
deleted theorem matrix.to_bilin'_symm
deleted theorem matrix.to_bilin_apply
deleted theorem matrix.to_bilin_basis_fun
deleted theorem matrix.to_bilin_comp
deleted theorem matrix.to_bilin_symm
deleted theorem matrix.to_bilin_to_matrix
added def matrix.to_bilin'
added theorem matrix.to_bilin'_apply
added theorem matrix.to_bilin'_comp
added theorem matrix.to_bilin'_symm
added theorem matrix.to_bilin_apply
added theorem matrix.to_bilin_comp
added theorem matrix.to_bilin_symm