Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-01-16 10:23 58610ffd

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chore(order/filter/*): use s ∈ f instead of s ∈ f.sets (#1885) Other changes:

  • compose old mem_infi and mem_binfi with mem_Union and mem_bUnion_iff to avoid .sets and simplify usage (it was rw [mem_infi, mem_Union] every time)
  • drop lift_sets_eq and mem_lift_iff in favor of mem_lift_sets

Estimated changes

modified theorem filter.lift'_cong
modified theorem filter.lift'_mono'
modified theorem filter.lift_mono'
deleted theorem filter.lift_sets_eq
modified theorem filter.mem_lift'
modified theorem filter.mem_lift'_sets
modified theorem filter.mem_lift
deleted theorem filter.mem_lift_iff
modified theorem filter.principal_le_lift'