Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2017-11-06 01:31 5cb7fb08

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feat(algebra/vector_space): modules and vector spaces, linear spaces

Estimated changes

added theorem eq_zero_of_add_self_eq
added theorem linear_map.add_app
added theorem linear_map.ext
added theorem
added theorem
added theorem
added theorem
added theorem
added def
added theorem linear_map.ker.mem_ker
added theorem linear_map.ker.sub_ker
added def linear_map.ker
added theorem linear_map.map_add_app
added theorem linear_map.map_neg
added theorem linear_map.map_sub
added theorem linear_map.map_zero
added theorem linear_map.neg_app
added theorem linear_map.smul_app
added theorem linear_map.zero_app
added structure linear_map
added theorem module.add_comp
added theorem module.comp_add
added theorem module.comp_app
added theorem module.comp_assoc
added theorem module.comp_id
added def module.dual
added def
added theorem module.id_app
added theorem module.id_comp
deleted def ring.to_module
added theorem smul_smul
added theorem submodule.add_val
added theorem submodule.neg_val
added theorem submodule.smul_val
added theorem submodule.sub
added theorem submodule.zero_val
added def units.ext
added theorem units.inv_mul
added theorem units.inv_val'
added theorem units.mul_four
added theorem units.mul_val
added theorem units.one_val
added structure units