Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2017-12-07 00:39 5f642d83

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refactor(*): remove local simp AC lemmas Using local simp lemmas everywhere for mul_assoc and friends defeats the purpose of the change in core. Now theorems are proven with only the AC lemmas actually used in the proof.

Estimated changes

modified theorem le_of_not_lt
added theorem le_or_lt
added theorem lt_or_le
modified theorem not_le
modified theorem not_lt
modified theorem finset.insert_eq
modified theorem finset.insert_subset
modified theorem finset.insert_union
modified theorem finset.inter_assoc
modified theorem finset.inter_comm
modified theorem finset.inter_left_comm
modified theorem finset.inter_right_comm
modified theorem finset.union_assoc
modified theorem finset.union_comm
modified theorem finset.union_insert
modified theorem finset.union_left_comm
deleted theorem le_max_left_iff_true
deleted theorem le_max_right_iff_true
deleted theorem max.left_comm
deleted theorem max.right_comm
deleted theorem min_right_comm
deleted theorem not_le_iff
deleted theorem not_lt_iff