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Commit 2018-01-23 00:14 5fe8fbf1

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feat(data/complex): properties of the complex absolute value function

Estimated changes

added theorem complex.abs_I
added theorem complex.abs_abs
added theorem complex.abs_add
added theorem complex.abs_conj
added theorem complex.abs_eq_zero
added theorem complex.abs_im_le_abs
added theorem complex.abs_mul
added theorem complex.abs_neg
added theorem complex.abs_nonneg
added theorem complex.abs_of_nonneg
added theorem complex.abs_of_real
added theorem complex.abs_one
added theorem complex.abs_pos
added theorem complex.abs_re_le_abs
added theorem complex.abs_sub
added theorem complex.abs_sub_le
added theorem complex.abs_zero
added theorem complex.conj_I
added theorem complex.conj_add
added theorem complex.conj_bijective
added theorem complex.conj_conj
added theorem complex.conj_div
added theorem complex.conj_eq_zero
added theorem complex.conj_inj
added theorem complex.conj_inv
added theorem complex.conj_mul
added theorem complex.conj_neg
added theorem complex.conj_one
added theorem complex.conj_zero
added theorem complex.im_le_abs
added theorem complex.mul_self_abs
added theorem complex.norm_sq_I
added theorem complex.norm_sq_add
added theorem complex.norm_sq_conj
added theorem complex.norm_sq_div
added theorem complex.norm_sq_inv
added theorem complex.norm_sq_mul
added theorem complex.norm_sq_neg
modified theorem complex.norm_sq_one
added theorem complex.norm_sq_sub
modified theorem complex.norm_sq_zero
added theorem complex.re_le_abs