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Commit 2022-08-24 21:27 62740866

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refactor(algebra/order/{monoid_lemmas_zero_lt + ring} + crumbs) remove duplicate lemmas (#16189) This is one of the cleaning up stages of the order refactor. This PR removes some of the lemmas for ordered semirings that are now superfluous. To keep things simple, the new lemmas are in the zero_lt namespace and we export this namespace. Probably, this will not stay this way once the tide of unsuccessful builds washes away. The plan for this PR is to align names and order of explicit hypotheses in the zero_lt file with the lemmas in ring, in order to delete them. This will likely involve changing a few extra files, but I'm hoping to seriously contain the diff outside of these two files. I want to thank @negiizhao who has been a great help in taking over and pushing forward the refactor!

Estimated changes

added theorem zero_lt.mul_le_mul
deleted theorem zero_lt.mul_le_mul_left'
modified theorem zero_lt.mul_le_mul_left
deleted theorem zero_lt.mul_le_mul_right'
modified theorem zero_lt.mul_le_mul_right
modified theorem zero_lt.mul_lt_mul_left
modified theorem zero_lt.mul_lt_mul_right
deleted theorem le_mul_iff_one_le_left
deleted theorem le_mul_iff_one_le_right
deleted theorem le_mul_of_one_le_left
deleted theorem le_mul_of_one_le_right
deleted theorem lt_mul_iff_one_lt_left
deleted theorem lt_mul_iff_one_lt_right
deleted theorem lt_mul_left
deleted theorem lt_mul_of_one_lt_left
deleted theorem lt_mul_of_one_lt_right
deleted theorem lt_mul_right
deleted theorem lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left
deleted theorem lt_of_mul_lt_mul_right
modified theorem lt_two_mul_self
deleted theorem mul_le_iff_le_one_left
deleted theorem mul_le_iff_le_one_right
deleted theorem mul_le_mul
deleted theorem mul_le_mul_left
deleted theorem mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left
deleted theorem mul_le_mul_right
deleted theorem mul_le_of_le_one_left
deleted theorem mul_le_of_le_one_right
deleted theorem mul_lt_iff_lt_one_left
deleted theorem mul_lt_iff_lt_one_right
deleted theorem mul_lt_mul_left
deleted theorem mul_lt_mul_right
deleted theorem mul_lt_of_lt_one_left
deleted theorem mul_lt_of_lt_one_right
deleted theorem mul_neg_of_neg_of_pos
deleted theorem mul_neg_of_pos_of_neg
deleted theorem mul_nonneg
deleted theorem mul_nonneg_le_one_le
deleted theorem mul_pos
deleted theorem neg_iff_neg_of_mul_pos
deleted theorem neg_of_mul_pos_left
deleted theorem neg_of_mul_pos_right
deleted theorem pos_iff_pos_of_mul_pos
deleted theorem pos_of_mul_pos_left
deleted theorem pos_of_mul_pos_right
deleted theorem zero_lt_mul_left
deleted theorem zero_lt_mul_right