Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-01-03 20:30 62d814a4

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refactor(order/lexicographic): Change the lex synonym (#10926) At least five types have a natural lexicographic order, namely:

  • α ⊕ β where everything on the left is smaller than everything on the right
  • Σ i, α i where things are first ordered following ι, then following α i
  • Σ' i, α i where things are first ordered following ι, then following α i
  • α × β where things are first ordered following α, then following β
  • finset α, which is in a specific sene the dual of finset.colex. And we could even add Π i, α i, ι →₀ α, Π₀ i, α i, etc... although those haven't come up yet in practice. Hence, we generalize the lex synonym away from prod to make it a general purpose synonym to equip a type with its lexicographical order. What was lex α β now is α ×ₗ β. Note that this PR doesn't add any of the aforementioned instances.

Estimated changes

modified def lex
deleted theorem lex_le_iff
deleted theorem lex_lt_iff
added def of_lex
added theorem of_lex_inj
added theorem of_lex_symm_eq
added theorem of_lex_to_lex
added theorem prod.lex.le_iff
added theorem prod.lex.lt_iff
added def to_lex
added theorem to_lex_inj
added theorem to_lex_of_lex
added theorem to_lex_symm_eq