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Commit 2019-10-12 20:07 646c035a

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refactor(topology): mild reorganization (#1541)

  • refactor(topology): mild reorganization Another attempt to increase cohesion of modules in topology. The old constructions module was starting to turn into a collection of miscellaneous results, and didn't actually contain any constructions themselves. The major changes are:
  • constructions now contains the definitions of the product, subspace, ... topologies, which used to be in order. This means that theorems involving concepts from maps (e.g., embeddings) and constructions (e.g., products) are now in constructions, not maps.
  • subset_properties and separation now import constructions rather than the other way around. This means that theorems like "a product of compact spaces is compact" are now in subset_properties, not constructions.
  • homeomorph is split off into its own file, which was easy because it was at the end of constructions anyways.
  • reorder universes in constructions
  • move to docs/theories/
  • expand documentation of metric/uniform spaces slightly
  • update pointers to docs/theories/

Estimated changes

deleted theorem closed_of_compact
deleted theorem compact_compact_separated
deleted theorem compact_iff_compact_space
deleted theorem compact_iff_compact_univ
deleted theorem compact_pi_infinite
deleted theorem compact_prod
deleted theorem dense_range_prod
added theorem embedding.prod_mk
deleted theorem generalized_tube_lemma
deleted theorem homeomorph.coinduced_eq
deleted theorem homeomorph.compact_image
deleted theorem homeomorph.image_symm
deleted theorem homeomorph.induced_eq
deleted theorem homeomorph.preimage_symm
deleted theorem homeomorph.range_coe
deleted theorem homeomorph.self_comp_symm
deleted theorem homeomorph.symm_comp_self
deleted structure homeomorph
added theorem inducing.prod_mk
deleted theorem is_closed_diagonal
deleted theorem is_closed_eq
deleted theorem is_closed_property2
deleted theorem is_closed_property3
deleted theorem is_closed_property
modified theorem is_open_prod_iff'
added theorem mem_nhds_subtype
deleted theorem nhds_contain_boxes.comm
deleted theorem nhds_contain_boxes.symm
deleted def nhds_contain_boxes
added theorem nhds_subtype
deleted theorem normal_of_compact_t2