Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-09-16 09:39 6603c6da

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fix(simps): use coercion for algebra morphisms (#4155) Previously it tried to apply whnf on an open expression, which failed, so it wouldn't find the coercion. Now it applied whnf before opening the expression. Also use simps for fixed_points.to_alg_hom. The generated lemmas are

fixed_points.to_alg_hom_to_fun : ∀ (G : Type u) (F : Type v) [_inst_4 : group G] [_inst_5 : field F]
[_inst_6 : faithful_mul_semiring_action G F],
  ⇑(to_alg_hom G F) =
    λ (g : G),
      {to_fun := (mul_semiring_action.to_semiring_hom G F g).to_fun,
       map_one' := _,
       map_mul' := _,
       map_zero' := _,
       map_add' := _,
       commutes' := _}

Estimated changes

added structure alg_hom
added def my_alg_hom
added def my_ring_hom
added structure ring_hom