Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-10-12 17:00 66285c9f

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feat(topology/instances/ennreal): if a tsum is finite, then the tsum over the complement of a finset tends to 0 at top (#9665) Together with minor tweaks of the library:

  • rename bounded.subset to bounded.mono
  • remove bUnion_subset_bUnion_right, which is exactly the same as bUnion_mono. Same for intersections.
  • add bUnion_congr and bInter_congr
  • introduce lemma null_of_locally_null: if a set has zero measure in a neighborhood of each of its points, then it has zero measure in a second-countable space.

Estimated changes

modified theorem summable.sigma
modified theorem tsum_comm
modified theorem tsum_prod
modified theorem tsum_sigma