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Commit 2021-01-18 10:20 66e955e4

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feat(algebra/lie/basic): results relating Lie algebra morphisms and ideal operations (#5778) The key results are lie_ideal.comap_bracket_eq and its corollary lie_ideal.comap_bracket_incl

Estimated changes

deleted theorem coe_to_subalgebra
modified def lie_ideal.comap
added theorem lie_ideal.comap_map_eq
added theorem lie_ideal.comap_map_le
added theorem lie_ideal.comap_mono
modified theorem lie_ideal.gc_map_comap
modified def lie_ideal.incl
modified theorem lie_ideal.incl_apply
added theorem lie_ideal.incl_coe
added theorem lie_ideal.ker_incl
modified def
added theorem lie_ideal.map_comap_eq
added theorem lie_ideal.map_comap_le
added theorem lie_ideal.map_le
added theorem lie_ideal.map_mono
added theorem lie_ideal.map_of_image
added theorem lie_ideal.mem_comap
added theorem lie_ideal.mem_map
modified theorem lie_subalgebra.coe_bracket
modified theorem lie_subalgebra.ext
modified theorem lie_subalgebra.ext_iff
modified theorem lie_subalgebra.mem_coe'
modified theorem lie_subalgebra.mem_coe