Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-08-18 10:28 67549d93

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feat(order/filter/at_top_bot): add at_bot versions for (almost) all at_top lemmas (#3845) There are a few lemmas I ignored, either because I thought a at_bot version wouldn't be useful (e.g subsequence lemmas), because there is no "order inversing" equivalent of monotone (I think ?), or because I just didn't understand the statement so I was unable to tell if it was useful or not.

Estimated changes

added theorem filter.at_bot_basis'
added theorem filter.at_bot_basis
added theorem filter.at_bot_ne_bot
added theorem filter.low_scores
added theorem filter.map_at_bot_eq
added theorem filter.mem_at_bot_sets