Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2023-01-18 07:04 6890b009

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feat(archive/imo/imo2019_q2): IMO 2019 Q2 (#17993) Add an IMO geometry problem to the mathlib archive. The module doc string discusses the conventions followed to translate the informal statement to a formal one (which should probably end up somewhere more generally discussing conventions for formal statements of olympiad problems, but it seems reasonable to have it here for now). This formalization uses a structure describing a configuration satisfying the conditions of the problem, to build up information gradually through many lemmas without needing to pass lots of hypotheses around (and to handle explicitly the symmetry in the configuration of the problem), which seems likely to be a convenient way to handle many olympiad geometry solutions.

Estimated changes

added theorem imo2019_q2
added theorem imo2019q2_cfg.A_ne_B
added theorem imo2019q2_cfg.A_ne_C
added theorem imo2019q2_cfg.B_ne_C
added theorem imo2019q2_cfg.P_mem_ω
added theorem imo2019q2_cfg.Q_mem_ω
added theorem imo2019q2_cfg.Q_ne_B
added theorem imo2019q2_cfg.result
added theorem imo2019q2_cfg.symm_ω
added def imo2019q2_cfg.ω
added structure imo2019q2_cfg
added def some_orientation