Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-04-12 08:44 68e894dc

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feat(finset/lattice): sup' is to sup as max' is to max (#7087) Introducing finset.sup', modelled on finset.max' but having no need for a linear_order. I wanted this for functions so also provide sup_apply and sup'_apply. By using cons instead of insert the axiom of choice is avoided throughout and I have replaced the proofs of three existing lemmas (sup_lt_iff, comp_sup_eq_sup_comp, sup_closed_of_sup_closed) that didn't need it. I have removed sup_subset entirely as it was surely introduced in ignorance of sup_mono.

Estimated changes

added theorem finset.coe_inf'
added theorem finset.coe_sup'
added def finset.inf'
added theorem finset.inf'_apply
added theorem finset.inf'_cons
added theorem finset.inf'_eq_inf
added theorem finset.inf'_insert
added theorem finset.inf'_le
added theorem finset.inf'_singleton
added theorem finset.inf_cons
added theorem finset.inf_of_mem
added theorem finset.le_inf'
added theorem finset.le_inf'_iff
modified theorem finset.le_inf_iff
added theorem finset.le_sup'
added theorem finset.lt_inf'_iff
added def finset.sup'
added theorem finset.sup'_apply
added theorem finset.sup'_cons
added theorem finset.sup'_eq_sup
added theorem finset.sup'_insert
added theorem finset.sup'_le
added theorem finset.sup'_le_iff
added theorem finset.sup'_lt_iff
added theorem finset.sup'_singleton
added theorem finset.sup_cons
modified theorem finset.sup_lt_iff
added theorem finset.sup_of_mem
deleted theorem finset.sup_subset