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Commit 2020-05-27 08:57 6ee3a47e

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chore(data/equiv/basic): simplify some defs, add coe lemmas (#2835) Use functions like, curry, uncurry, sum.elim, to define equivalences.

Estimated changes

modified theorem equiv.apply_symm_apply
added theorem equiv.coe_prod_comm
added theorem equiv.coe_prod_congr
added theorem equiv.coe_refl
added theorem equiv.coe_trans
modified def equiv.empty_prod
modified theorem equiv.of_bijective_to_fun
modified def equiv.pempty_prod
modified def equiv.prod_comm
deleted theorem equiv.prod_comm_apply
added theorem equiv.prod_comm_symm
modified def equiv.prod_congr
deleted theorem equiv.prod_congr_apply
added theorem equiv.prod_congr_symm
modified def equiv.prod_empty
modified def equiv.prod_pempty
modified def equiv.prod_punit
modified def equiv.psum_equiv_sum
modified def equiv.punit_prod
modified theorem equiv.punit_prod_apply
modified theorem equiv.refl_apply
added theorem equiv.self_comp_symm
modified def equiv.sigma_congr
added theorem equiv.sum_comm_apply
deleted theorem equiv.sum_comm_apply_inl
deleted theorem equiv.sum_comm_apply_inr
modified theorem equiv.sum_comm_symm
modified def equiv.sum_congr
added theorem equiv.sum_congr_apply
deleted theorem equiv.sum_congr_apply_inl
deleted theorem equiv.sum_congr_apply_inr
modified theorem equiv.sum_congr_symm
modified def equiv.sum_empty
modified def equiv.sum_pempty
modified theorem equiv.symm_apply_apply
added theorem equiv.symm_comp_self
modified theorem equiv.trans_apply
added theorem sum.map_comp_map
added theorem sum.map_id_id
added theorem sum.map_inl
added theorem sum.map_inr
added theorem sum.map_map