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Commit 2021-11-10 17:25 6f10557a

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refactor(order): order_{top,bot} as mixin (#10097) This changes order_top α / order_bot α to require has_le α instead of extending partial_order α. As a result, order_top can be combined with other lattice typeclasses. This lends itself to more refactors downstream, such as phrasing lemmas that currently require orders/semilattices and top/bot to provide them as separate TC inference, instead of "bundled" classes like semilattice_inf_top. This refactor also provides the basis for making more consistent the "extended" algebraic classes, like "e(nn)real", "enat", etc. Some proof terms for lemmas about nnreal and ennreal have been switched to rely on more direct coercions from the underlying non-extended type or other (semi)rings. Modify semilattice_{inf,sup}_{top,bot} to not directly inherit from order_{top,bot}. Instead, they are now extending from has_{top,bot}. Extending order_{top,bot} is now only possible is has_le is provided to the TC cache at extends declaration time, when using old_structure_cmd true. That is,

set_option old_structure_cmd true
class mnwe (α : Type u) extends semilattice_inf α, order_top α.

errors with

type mismatch at application
  @semilattice_inf.to_partial_order α top
has type
but is expected to have type
  semilattice_inf α

One can make this work through one of three ways: No old_structure_cmd, which is unfriendly to the rest of the class hierarchy Require has_le in class mwe (α : Type u) [has_le α] extends semilattice_inf α, order_top α., which is unfriendly to the existing hierarchy and how lemmas are stated. Provide an additional axiom on top of a "data-only" TC and have a low-priority instance:

class semilattice_inf_top (α : Type u) extends semilattice_inf α, has_top α :=
(le_top : ∀ a : α, a ≤ ⊤)
@[priority 100]
instance semilattice_inf_top.to_order_top : order_top α :=
{ top := ⊤,  le_top := semilattice_inf_top.le_top }

The third option is chosen in this refactor. Pulled out from #9891, without the semilattice refactor.

Estimated changes

modified def order_iso.Ici_bot
modified def order_iso.Iic_top
modified theorem set.Ici_bot
modified theorem set.Ici_top
modified theorem set.Iic_bot
modified theorem bot_le
modified theorem le_top
modified theorem not_lt_bot
modified theorem not_top_lt
modified theorem order_bot.ext
modified theorem order_bot.ext_bot
modified theorem order_top.ext
modified theorem order_top.ext_top
modified theorem is_glb_empty
modified theorem is_glb_univ
modified theorem is_greatest_univ
modified theorem is_least_univ
modified theorem is_lub_empty
modified theorem is_lub_univ
modified theorem order_bot.lower_bounds_univ
modified theorem order_top.upper_bounds_univ
modified theorem order_iso.map_bot'
modified theorem order_iso.map_bot
modified theorem order_iso.map_top'
modified theorem order_iso.map_top
modified theorem nhds_bot_order
modified theorem nhds_top_order
modified theorem tendsto_nhds_bot_mono'
modified theorem tendsto_nhds_bot_mono
modified theorem tendsto_nhds_top_mono'
modified theorem tendsto_nhds_top_mono