Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-09-22 10:01 6f2cbde0

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chore(order/lattice): tidy up pi instances (#9305) These were previously defined in the wrong file, and the lemmas were missing the pi prefix that is present on pi.add_apply etc. This also removes the instance names as they are autogenerated correctly. Finally, this adds new top_def, bot_def, sup_def, and inf_def lemmas, which are useful for when wanting to rewrite under the lambda. We already have zero_def, add_def, etc.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem bot_apply
deleted theorem inf_apply
added theorem pi.bot_apply
added theorem pi.bot_def
added theorem pi.top_apply
added theorem pi.top_def
deleted theorem sup_apply
deleted theorem top_apply
added theorem pi.inf_apply
added theorem pi.inf_def
added theorem pi.sup_apply
added theorem pi.sup_def