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Commit 2022-03-28 16:49 6fe0c3b1

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refactor(algebra/group/to_additive + files containing even/odd): move many lemmas involving even/odd to the same file (#12882) This is the first step in refactoring the definition of even to be the to_additive of square. This PR simply gathers together many (though not all) lemmas that involve even or odd in their assumptions. The choice of which lemmas to migrate to the file algebra.parity was dictated mostly by whether importing algebra.parity in the current home would create a cyclic import. The only change that is not a simple shift from a file to another one is the addition in to_additive for support to change square in a multiplicative name to even in an additive name. The change to the test file test.ring is due to the fact that the definition of odd was no longer imported by the file.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem abs_zpow_bit0
deleted theorem even.abs_zpow
deleted theorem even.zpow_abs
deleted theorem even.zpow_neg
deleted theorem even.zpow_nonneg
deleted theorem even.zpow_pos
deleted theorem odd.zpow_neg
deleted theorem odd.zpow_nonneg
deleted theorem odd.zpow_nonpos
deleted theorem odd.zpow_pos
deleted theorem zpow_bit0_abs
deleted theorem even.pow_abs
deleted theorem even.pow_nonneg
deleted theorem even.pow_pos
deleted theorem even.pow_pos_iff
deleted theorem odd.pow_neg
deleted theorem odd.pow_neg_iff
deleted theorem odd.pow_nonneg_iff
deleted theorem odd.pow_nonpos
deleted theorem odd.pow_nonpos_iff
deleted theorem odd.pow_pos_iff
deleted theorem odd.strict_mono_pow
deleted theorem pow_bit0_abs
deleted theorem even_abs
deleted theorem odd_abs
added theorem abs_zpow_bit0
added theorem even.abs_zpow
added theorem even.pow_abs
added theorem even.pow_nonneg
added theorem even.pow_pos
added theorem even.pow_pos_iff
added theorem even.zpow_abs
added theorem even.zpow_neg
added theorem even.zpow_nonneg
added theorem even.zpow_pos
added def even
added theorem even_abs
added theorem even_bit0
added theorem even_iff_two_dvd
added theorem even_neg
added theorem fintype.card_fin_even
added theorem odd.neg
added theorem odd.pow_neg
added theorem odd.pow_neg_iff
added theorem odd.pow_nonneg_iff
added theorem odd.pow_nonpos
added theorem odd.pow_nonpos_iff
added theorem odd.pow_pos_iff
added theorem odd.strict_mono_pow
added theorem odd.zpow_neg
added theorem odd.zpow_nonneg
added theorem odd.zpow_nonpos
added theorem odd.zpow_pos
added def odd
added theorem odd_abs
added theorem odd_bit1
added theorem odd_neg
added theorem pow_bit0_abs
added theorem range_two_mul
added theorem range_two_mul_add_one
added theorem zpow_bit0_abs
deleted def even
deleted theorem even_bit0
deleted theorem even_iff_two_dvd
deleted theorem even_neg
deleted theorem odd.neg
deleted def odd
deleted theorem odd_bit1
deleted theorem odd_neg
deleted theorem range_two_mul
deleted theorem range_two_mul_add_one