Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-02-15 15:52 721bace8

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refactor(set_theory/ordinal_arithmetic): ominInf (#11867) We remove the redundant omin in favor of Inf. We also introduce a conditionally_complete_linear_order_bot instance on cardinals, and golf a particularly messy proof.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem ordinal.Inf_eq_omin
deleted theorem ordinal.Inf_mem
deleted theorem ordinal.le_omin
deleted theorem ordinal.not_lt_omin
deleted def ordinal.omin
deleted theorem ordinal.omin_le
deleted theorem ordinal.omin_mem
modified theorem ordinal.blsub_le_enum_ord
modified theorem ordinal.deriv_eq_enum_fp
modified theorem ordinal.div_def
added theorem ordinal.div_nonempty
modified theorem ordinal.div_zero
modified theorem ordinal.enum_ord.surjective
modified def ordinal.enum_ord
deleted theorem ordinal.enum_ord_def'_H
deleted theorem ordinal.enum_ord_def_H
modified theorem ordinal.enum_ord_mem
modified theorem ordinal.enum_ord_range
added theorem ordinal.enum_ord_zero
modified theorem ordinal.eq_enum_ord
modified theorem ordinal.log_def
added theorem ordinal.log_nonempty
added theorem ordinal.sub_nonempty
modified theorem ordinal.succ_log_def
modified def ordinal.sup
added theorem ordinal.sup_nonempty