Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-11-02 10:26 80dc445d

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refactor(order/bounded_lattice): generalize le on with_{top,bot} (#10085) Before, some lemmas assumed preorder even when they were true for just the underlying le. In the case of with_bot, the missing underlying has_le instance is defined. For both with_{top,bot}, a few lemmas are generalized accordingly.

Estimated changes

modified theorem with_bot.coe_le
modified theorem with_bot.coe_le_coe
modified theorem with_bot.coe_lt_coe
modified theorem with_bot.some_le_some
modified theorem with_top.coe_le_coe
modified theorem with_top.coe_lt_coe
modified theorem with_top.coe_lt_top
modified theorem with_top.le_coe