Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-09-11 15:53 832acd63

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feat(data/{sym2,sym}) decidable version of sym2.mem.other, filling out some of sym API (#4008) Removes sym2.vmem and replaces it with sym2.mem.other', which can get the other element of a pair in the presence of decidable equality. Writing sym2.mem.other' was beyond my abilities when I created sym2.vmem, and seeing that vmem is extremely specialized and has no immediate use, it's probably best to remove it. Adds some assorted simp lemmas, and also an additional lemma that sym2.mem.other is, in some sense, an involution. Adds to the API for sym. This is from taking some of the interface for multisets. (I was exploring whether sym2 α should be re-implemented as sym α 2 and trying to add enough to sym to pull it off, but it doesn't seem to be worth it in the end.) (I'm not committing a recursor for sym α n, which lets you represent elements by vectors of length n. It needs some cleanup.)

Estimated changes

added def sym.cons'
added def sym.cons
added theorem sym.cons_inj_left
added theorem sym.cons_inj_right
added theorem sym.cons_of_coe_eq
added theorem sym.cons_swap
added def sym.mem
added theorem sym.mem_cons
added theorem sym.mem_cons_of_mem
added theorem sym.mem_cons_self
added def sym.nil
added def sym.of_vector
added theorem sym.sound
modified def sym.sym'
modified def sym.sym_equiv_sym'
modified def sym
modified def vector.perm.is_setoid
added theorem sym2.congr_left
modified theorem sym2.congr_right
added theorem sym2.diag_is_diag
added theorem sym2.map_pair_eq
added def sym2.mem.other'
added theorem sym2.mem_other_mem'
added theorem sym2.mem_other_mem
added theorem sym2.mem_other_ne
added theorem sym2.mem_other_spec'
modified theorem sym2.mem_other_spec
deleted def sym2.mk_has_vmem
added theorem sym2.other_eq_other'
added theorem sym2.other_invol'
added theorem sym2.other_invol
deleted theorem sym2.other_is_mem_other
added theorem sym2.sym2_ext
deleted def sym2.vmem.other
deleted def sym2.vmem
deleted theorem sym2.vmem_other_spec