Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-03-17 05:18 877f2e7a

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refactor(linear_algebra/ray): redefine same_ray to allow zero vectors (#12618) In a strictly convex space, the new definition is equivalent to the fact that the triangle inequality becomes an equality. The old definition was only used for nonzero vectors in mathlib. Also make the definition of ray_vector semireducible so that ray_vector.setoid can be an instance.

Estimated changes

modified theorem equiv_iff_same_ray
deleted theorem equivalence_same_ray
modified theorem module.ray.ind
modified def
modified theorem module.ray.map_apply
modified theorem module.ray.map_refl
modified theorem module.ray.map_symm
modified theorem module.ray.ne_neg_self
modified theorem module.ray.some_vector_ray
modified def module.ray
added theorem neg_ray_of_ne_zero
modified theorem ray_eq_iff
deleted theorem ray_neg
modified theorem ray_pos_smul
modified theorem ray_vector.coe_neg
modified theorem ray_vector.equiv_neg_iff
modified def ray_vector
added theorem same_ray.add_left
added theorem same_ray.add_right
added theorem same_ray.exists_pos
modified theorem
deleted theorem same_ray.neg
modified theorem same_ray.pos_smul_left
modified theorem same_ray.pos_smul_right
modified theorem same_ray.refl
modified theorem same_ray.smul
modified theorem same_ray.symm
modified theorem same_ray.trans
added theorem same_ray.zero_left
added theorem same_ray.zero_right
modified theorem same_ray_comm
deleted theorem same_ray_iff_mem_orbit
modified theorem same_ray_map_iff
modified theorem same_ray_neg_iff
modified theorem same_ray_neg_smul_left_iff
modified theorem same_ray_neg_smul_right_iff
modified theorem same_ray_neg_swap
modified theorem same_ray_pos_smul_left
modified theorem same_ray_pos_smul_right
deleted def same_ray_setoid
modified theorem same_ray_smul_left_iff
modified theorem same_ray_smul_right_iff