Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-07-14 08:37 8e5af430

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chore(algebra/big_operators/basic): rename sum_(nat/int)_cast and (nat/int).coe_prod (#8264) The current names aren't great because

  1. For sum_nat_cast and sum_int_cast, the LHS isn't a sum of casts but a cast of sums, and it doesn't follow any other naming convention (nat.cast_... or ....coe_sum).
  2. For .coe_prod, the coercion from or should be called cast.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem finset.sum_int_cast
deleted theorem finset.sum_nat_cast
added theorem int.cast_prod
added theorem int.cast_sum
deleted theorem int.coe_prod
added theorem nat.cast_prod
added theorem nat.cast_sum
deleted theorem nat.coe_prod
modified theorem units.coe_prod