Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-10-09 22:10 8ef4f3fa

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chore(algebra/order/monoid): split into smaller files (#16861) This, along later PRs for and algebra.order.ring, will replace #16792.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem add_top
deleted theorem additive.of_mul_le
deleted theorem additive.of_mul_lt
deleted theorem additive.to_mul_le
deleted theorem additive.to_mul_lt
deleted theorem bit0_pos
deleted theorem bot_eq_one'
deleted theorem bot_eq_one
deleted theorem eq_one_or_one_lt
deleted theorem exists_one_lt_mul_of_lt
deleted theorem fn_min_mul_fn_max
deleted theorem le_iff_exists_mul'
deleted theorem le_iff_exists_mul
deleted theorem le_mul_left
deleted theorem le_mul_right
deleted theorem le_mul_self
deleted theorem le_of_mul_le_left
deleted theorem le_of_mul_le_right
deleted theorem le_one_iff_eq_one
deleted theorem le_self_mul
deleted theorem lt_iff_exists_mul
deleted theorem lt_or_lt_of_mul_lt_mul
deleted theorem max_le_mul_of_one_le
deleted theorem max_mul_mul_left
deleted theorem max_mul_mul_right
deleted theorem min_le_mul_of_one_le_left
deleted theorem min_mul_distrib'
deleted theorem min_mul_distrib
deleted theorem min_mul_max
deleted theorem min_mul_mul_left
deleted theorem min_mul_mul_right
deleted theorem min_one
deleted theorem mul_eq_one_iff
deleted theorem multiplicative.of_add_le
deleted theorem multiplicative.of_add_lt
deleted theorem multiplicative.to_add_le
deleted theorem multiplicative.to_add_lt
deleted theorem one_le
deleted theorem one_le_two'
deleted theorem one_le_two
deleted theorem one_lt_iff_ne_one
deleted theorem one_lt_mul_iff
deleted theorem one_min
deleted theorem pos_of_gt
deleted theorem self_le_mul_left
deleted theorem self_le_mul_right
deleted theorem top_add
deleted theorem units.coe_le_coe
deleted theorem units.coe_lt_coe
deleted theorem units.max_coe
deleted theorem units.min_coe
deleted theorem with_bot.add_bot
deleted theorem with_bot.add_eq_bot
deleted theorem with_bot.add_eq_coe
deleted theorem with_bot.add_ne_bot
deleted theorem with_bot.bot_add
deleted theorem with_bot.bot_lt_add
deleted theorem with_bot.bot_ne_nat
deleted theorem with_bot.coe_add
deleted theorem with_bot.coe_bit0
deleted theorem with_bot.coe_bit1
deleted theorem with_bot.coe_eq_one
deleted theorem with_bot.coe_nat
deleted theorem with_bot.coe_one
deleted theorem with_bot.nat_ne_bot
deleted theorem with_top.add_eq_coe
deleted theorem with_top.add_eq_top
deleted theorem with_top.add_lt_top
deleted theorem with_top.add_ne_top
deleted theorem with_top.add_top
deleted theorem with_top.coe_add
deleted theorem with_top.coe_bit0
deleted theorem with_top.coe_bit1
deleted theorem with_top.coe_coe_add_hom
deleted theorem with_top.coe_eq_one
deleted theorem with_top.coe_nat
deleted theorem with_top.coe_one
deleted theorem with_top.nat_ne_top
deleted theorem with_top.one_eq_coe
deleted theorem with_top.one_ne_top
deleted theorem with_top.top_add
deleted theorem with_top.top_ne_nat
deleted theorem with_top.top_ne_one
deleted theorem with_top.zero_lt_coe
deleted theorem with_top.zero_lt_top
deleted theorem with_zero.coe_le_coe
deleted theorem with_zero.coe_lt_coe
deleted theorem with_zero.le_max_iff
deleted theorem with_zero.min_le_iff
deleted theorem with_zero.to_mul_bot_coe
deleted theorem with_zero.to_mul_bot_le
deleted theorem with_zero.to_mul_bot_lt
deleted theorem with_zero.to_mul_bot_zero
deleted theorem with_zero.zero_eq_bot
deleted theorem with_zero.zero_le
deleted theorem with_zero.zero_lt_coe
deleted theorem zero_le_four
deleted theorem zero_le_one'
deleted theorem zero_le_one
deleted theorem zero_le_three
deleted theorem zero_le_two
added theorem bot_eq_one'
added theorem bot_eq_one
added theorem eq_one_or_one_lt
added theorem le_iff_exists_mul'
added theorem le_iff_exists_mul
added theorem le_mul_left
added theorem le_mul_right
added theorem le_mul_self
added theorem le_of_mul_le_left
added theorem le_of_mul_le_right
added theorem le_one_iff_eq_one
added theorem le_self_mul
added theorem lt_iff_exists_mul
added theorem min_mul_distrib'
added theorem min_mul_distrib
added theorem min_one
added theorem mul_eq_one_iff
added theorem one_le
added theorem one_lt_iff_ne_one
added theorem one_lt_mul_iff
added theorem one_min
added theorem pos_of_gt
added theorem self_le_mul_left
added theorem self_le_mul_right
added theorem with_bot.add_bot
added theorem with_bot.add_eq_bot
added theorem with_bot.add_eq_coe
added theorem with_bot.add_ne_bot
added theorem with_bot.bot_add
added theorem with_bot.bot_lt_add
added theorem with_bot.bot_ne_nat
added theorem with_bot.coe_add
added theorem with_bot.coe_bit0
added theorem with_bot.coe_bit1
added theorem with_bot.coe_eq_one
added theorem with_bot.coe_nat
added theorem with_bot.coe_one
added theorem with_bot.nat_ne_bot
added theorem with_top.add_eq_coe
added theorem with_top.add_eq_top
added theorem with_top.add_lt_top
added theorem with_top.add_ne_top
added theorem with_top.add_top
added theorem with_top.coe_add
added theorem with_top.coe_bit0
added theorem with_top.coe_bit1
added theorem with_top.coe_eq_one
added theorem with_top.coe_nat
added theorem with_top.coe_one
added theorem with_top.nat_ne_top
added theorem with_top.one_eq_coe
added theorem with_top.one_ne_top
added theorem with_top.top_add
added theorem with_top.top_ne_nat
added theorem with_top.top_ne_one
added theorem with_top.zero_lt_coe
added theorem with_top.zero_lt_top
added theorem one_le_two'
added theorem one_le_two
added theorem zero_le_four
added theorem zero_le_one'
added theorem zero_le_one
added theorem zero_le_three
added theorem zero_le_two