Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-02-22 18:15 8f160018

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chore(*): rename erase_dup to dedup (#12057)

Estimated changes

added theorem finset.dedup_eq_self
deleted theorem finset.erase_dup_eq_self
modified theorem finset.image_val
modified theorem finset.insert_val'
modified theorem list.mem_to_finset
modified theorem list.to_finset_val
modified theorem multiset.mem_to_finset
modified def multiset.to_finset
modified theorem multiset.to_finset_val
added theorem list.dedup_append
added theorem list.dedup_cons_of_mem
added theorem list.dedup_eq_self
added theorem list.dedup_idempotent
added theorem list.dedup_nil
added theorem list.dedup_sublist
added theorem list.dedup_subset
added theorem list.mem_dedup
added theorem list.nodup_dedup
added theorem list.subset_dedup