Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2019-08-26 14:50 914c572e

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feat(data/rat): add lt, le, and eq def lemmas, move casts into rat to basic (#1348)

Estimated changes

added theorem rat.coe_int_denom
added theorem rat.coe_int_eq_mk
added theorem rat.coe_int_eq_of_int
added theorem rat.coe_int_num
added theorem rat.coe_nat_denom
added theorem rat.coe_nat_eq_mk
added theorem rat.coe_nat_num
added theorem rat.eq_iff_mul_eq_mul
added theorem rat.inv_def'
added theorem rat.mk_eq_div
modified theorem rat.num_denom'
modified theorem rat.num_denom
modified theorem rat.of_int_eq_mk
deleted theorem rat.coe_int_denom
deleted theorem rat.coe_int_eq_mk
deleted theorem rat.coe_int_eq_of_int
deleted theorem rat.coe_int_num
deleted theorem rat.coe_nat_denom
deleted theorem rat.coe_nat_eq_mk
deleted theorem rat.coe_nat_num
deleted theorem rat.mk_eq_div