Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-08-13 21:43 94e4667b

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feat(order/filter): change definition of inf (#8657) The current definition of filter.inf came directly from the Galois insertion: u ∈ f ⊓ g if it contains s ∩ t for some s ∈ f and t ∈ g, but the new one is tidier: u ∈ f ⊓ g if u = s ∩ t for some s ∈ f and t ∈ g. This gives a stronger assertion to work with when assuming a set belongs to a filter inf. On the other hand it makes it harder to prove such a statement so we keep the old version as a lemma filter.mem_inf_of_inter : ∀ {f g : filter α} {s t u : set α}, s ∈ f → t ∈ g → s ∩ t ⊆ u → u ∈ f ⊓ g. Also renames lots of lemmas to remove the word "sets" that was a remnant of the very early days. In passing I also changed the simp lemma filter.mem_map from t ∈ map m f ↔ {x | m x ∈ t} ∈ f to t ∈ map m f ↔ m ⁻¹' t ∈ f which seemed more normal form to me. But this led to a lot of breakage, so I also kept the old version as mem_map'.

Estimated changes

added theorem filter.Inter_mem
deleted theorem filter.Inter_mem_sets
added theorem filter.bInter_mem
deleted theorem filter.bInter_mem_sets
added theorem filter.compl_not_mem
deleted theorem filter.compl_not_mem_sets
deleted theorem filter.empty_nmem_sets
added theorem filter.empty_not_mem
added theorem filter.eventually_inf
modified theorem filter.eventually_true
deleted theorem filter.image_coe_mem_sets
deleted theorem filter.image_mem_sets
added theorem filter.inter_mem
added theorem filter.inter_mem_iff
added theorem filter.inter_mem_inf
deleted theorem filter.inter_mem_inf_sets
deleted theorem filter.inter_mem_sets
deleted theorem filter.inter_mem_sets_iff
added theorem filter.mem_Sup
deleted theorem filter.mem_Sup_sets
added theorem filter.mem_bind'
added theorem filter.mem_bind
deleted theorem filter.mem_bind_sets'
deleted theorem filter.mem_bind_sets
deleted theorem filter.mem_binfi
added theorem filter.mem_bot
deleted theorem filter.mem_bot_sets
added theorem filter.mem_comap
deleted theorem filter.mem_comap_sets
added theorem filter.mem_inf_iff
added theorem filter.mem_inf_of_left
deleted theorem filter.mem_inf_sets
added theorem filter.mem_infi'
modified theorem filter.mem_infi
added theorem filter.mem_infi_finset
deleted theorem filter.mem_infi_iff'
deleted theorem filter.mem_infi_iff
added theorem filter.mem_infi_of_mem
deleted theorem filter.mem_infi_sets
added theorem filter.mem_join
deleted theorem filter.mem_join_sets
added theorem filter.mem_map'
modified theorem filter.mem_map
deleted theorem filter.mem_map_sets_iff
added theorem filter.mem_of_eq_bot
added theorem filter.mem_of_superset
added theorem filter.mem_principal
deleted theorem filter.mem_principal_sets
added theorem filter.mem_pure
deleted theorem filter.mem_pure_sets
added theorem filter.mem_seq_def
added theorem filter.mem_seq_iff
deleted theorem filter.mem_seq_sets_def
deleted theorem filter.mem_seq_sets_iff
deleted theorem filter.mem_sets_of_eq_bot
added theorem filter.mem_sup
deleted theorem filter.mem_sup_sets
added theorem filter.mem_supr
deleted theorem filter.mem_supr_sets
added theorem filter.mem_top
deleted theorem filter.mem_top_sets
added theorem filter.mem_traverse
deleted theorem filter.mem_traverse_sets
added theorem filter.monotone_mem
deleted theorem filter.monotone_mem_sets
added theorem filter.mp_mem
deleted theorem filter.mp_sets
added theorem filter.nonempty_of_mem
added theorem filter.sInter_mem
deleted theorem filter.sInter_mem_sets
added theorem filter.seq_mem_seq
deleted theorem filter.seq_mem_seq_sets
added theorem filter.univ_mem'
added theorem filter.univ_mem
deleted theorem filter.univ_mem_sets'
deleted theorem filter.univ_mem_sets