Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-03-23 19:49 9893a260

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chore(field_theory/splitting_field): module doc and generalise one lemma (#6739) This PR provides a module doc for field_theory.splitting_field, which is the last file without module doc in field_theory. Furthermore, I took the opportunity of renaming the fields in that file from \alpha, \beta, \gamma to K, L, F to make it more readable for newcomers. Moved nat_degree_multiset_prod, to algebra.polynomial.big_operators). In order to get the no_zero_divisors instance on polynomial R, I had to include data.polynomial.ring_division in that file. Furthermore, with the help of Damiano, generalised this lemma to no_zero_divisors R. Coauthored by: Damiano Testa

Estimated changes

modified def polynomial.factor
modified theorem polynomial.roots_map
modified def polynomial.splits
modified theorem polynomial.splits_C
modified theorem polynomial.splits_X_sub_C
modified theorem polynomial.splits_map_iff
modified theorem polynomial.splits_mul
modified theorem polynomial.splits_mul_iff
modified theorem polynomial.splits_pow
modified theorem polynomial.splits_prod
modified theorem polynomial.splits_prod_iff
modified theorem polynomial.splits_zero