Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-10-16 16:46 99b2d40e

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feat(algebra/floor): Floor and ceil of -a (#9715) This proves floor_neg : ⌊-a⌋ = -⌈a⌉ and ceil_neg : ⌈-a⌉ = -⌊a⌋ and uses them to remove explicit dependency on the definition of int.ceil in prevision of #9591. This also proves ⌊a + 1⌋ = ⌊a⌋ + 1 and variants.

Estimated changes

added theorem int.ceil_add_one
added theorem int.ceil_neg
added theorem int.floor_add_one
added theorem int.floor_neg
added theorem nat.ceil_add_one
modified theorem nat.ceil_lt_add_one
added theorem nat.floor_add_one