Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-09-27 13:07 9a30f8cf

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refactor(data/fin): drop fin.cast_add_right (#9371) This was a duplicate of fin.nat_add. Also simplify some definitions of equivalences.

Estimated changes

modified def fin.add_cases
added theorem fin.add_nat_mk
added theorem fin.add_nat_sub_nat
added theorem fin.cast_add_cast_lt
added theorem fin.cast_add_nat
deleted def fin.cast_add_right
added theorem fin.cast_lt_cast_add
added theorem fin.cast_nat_add
deleted theorem fin.coe_cast_add_right
deleted theorem fin.le_cast_add_right
added theorem fin.le_coe_add_nat
added theorem fin.le_coe_nat_add
added theorem fin.nat_add_mk
added theorem fin.sub_nat_add_nat
added theorem fin.sub_nat_mk