Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-12-14 07:40 9af43e4e

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feat(analysis/inner_product_space/basic): inner product as a (continuous) sesquilinear map (#10684) This PR replaces inner_right (v : E) : E β†’L[π•œ] π•œ (the inner product with a fixed left element as a continuous linear map) by innerβ‚›β‚— : E →ₗ⋆[π•œ] E β†’β‚—[π•œ] π•œ and innerSL : E β†’L⋆[π•œ] E β†’L[π•œ] π•œ , which bundle the inner product as a sesquilinear map and as a continuous sesquilinear map respectively.

Estimated changes

added def innerSL
added theorem innerSL_apply
added theorem innerSL_apply_coe
added theorem innerSL_apply_norm
deleted def inner_right
deleted theorem inner_right_apply
deleted theorem inner_right_coe
modified theorem orthogonal_eq_inter