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Commit 2022-01-24 21:01 9e799a08

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feat(algebra/pointwise): Scalar multiplication lemmas (#11486) This proves a bunch of lemmas about pointwise scalar multiplication of sets, moves has_vsub to and pointwise vsub lemmas to algebra.pointwise. I'm also adding a few sections because having {s t : set α} is nice for multiplication but not for scalar multiplication.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem set.empty_vsub
deleted theorem set.finite.vadd
deleted theorem set.finite.vsub
deleted theorem set.mem_vsub
deleted theorem set.set_vadd_singleton
deleted theorem set.singleton_vsub
deleted theorem set.vadd_subset_vadd
deleted theorem set.vsub_empty
deleted theorem set.vsub_mem_vsub
deleted theorem set.vsub_self_mono
deleted theorem set.vsub_singleton
deleted theorem set.vsub_subset_iff
deleted theorem set.vsub_subset_vsub
modified theorem mem_inv_smul_set_iff₀
modified theorem preimage_smul_inv₀
modified theorem preimage_smul₀
added theorem set.Inter_mul_subset
added theorem set.Inter_smul_subset
added theorem set.Inter_vsub_subset
modified theorem set.Union_mul
modified theorem set.Union_mul_left_image
modified theorem set.Union_mul_right_image
added theorem set.Union_smul
added theorem set.Union_vsub
added theorem set.Union₂_mul
added theorem set.Union₂_smul
added theorem set.Union₂_vsub
modified theorem set.empty_mul
added theorem set.empty_smul
added theorem set.empty_vsub
added theorem set.finite.smul_set
added theorem set.finite.vsub
modified theorem set.image2_mul
modified theorem set.image2_smul
added theorem set.image2_vsub
modified theorem set.image_mul_left
modified theorem set.image_mul_prod
modified theorem set.image_mul_right'
modified theorem set.image_mul_right
modified theorem set.image_one
modified theorem set.image_smul
modified theorem set.image_smul_prod
added theorem set.image_vsub_prod
added theorem set.inter_mul_subset
added theorem set.inter_smul_subset
added theorem set.inter_vsub_subset
modified theorem set.mem_mul
modified theorem set.mem_one
modified theorem set.mem_smul
modified theorem set.mem_smul_of_mem
modified theorem set.mem_smul_set
added theorem set.mem_vsub
added theorem set.mul_Inter_subset
modified theorem set.mul_Union
added theorem set.mul_Union₂
modified theorem set.mul_empty
added theorem set.mul_inter_subset
modified theorem set.mul_mem_mul
modified theorem set.mul_singleton
modified theorem set.mul_subset_mul
modified theorem set.mul_subset_mul_left
modified theorem set.mul_subset_mul_right
modified theorem set.mul_union
added theorem set.mul_univ
added theorem set.neg_smul_set
modified theorem set.one_mem_one
modified theorem set.one_nonempty
modified theorem set.one_subset
modified theorem set.preimage_mul_left_one
modified theorem set.preimage_mul_right_one'
modified theorem set.preimage_mul_right_one
modified theorem set.range_smul_range
modified theorem set.singleton_mul
modified def set.singleton_mul_hom
modified theorem set.singleton_mul_singleton
modified theorem set.singleton_one
modified theorem set.singleton_smul
added theorem set.singleton_vsub
added theorem set.smul_Inter_subset
added theorem set.smul_Union
added theorem set.smul_Union₂
added theorem set.smul_empty
added theorem set.smul_inter_subset
added theorem set.smul_mem_smul
modified theorem set.smul_mem_smul_set
added theorem set.smul_set_Union
added theorem set.smul_set_Union₂
modified theorem set.smul_set_empty
modified theorem set.smul_set_inter_subset
modified theorem set.smul_set_mono
added theorem set.smul_set_neg
added theorem set.smul_set_singleton
modified theorem set.smul_set_union
added theorem set.smul_set_univ
modified theorem set.smul_singleton
added theorem set.smul_subset_iff
added theorem set.smul_subset_smul
added theorem set.smul_union
added theorem set.smul_univ
added theorem set.subset_mul_left
added theorem set.subset_mul_right
modified theorem set.union_mul
added theorem set.union_smul
added theorem set.union_vsub
added theorem set.univ_mul
added theorem set.vsub_Inter_subset
added theorem set.vsub_Union
added theorem set.vsub_Union₂
added theorem set.vsub_empty
added theorem set.vsub_inter_subset
added theorem set.vsub_mem_vsub
added theorem set.vsub_self_mono
added theorem set.vsub_singleton
added theorem set.vsub_subset_iff
added theorem set.vsub_subset_vsub
added theorem set.vsub_union
modified theorem set_smul_subset_iff₀
modified theorem smul_mem_smul_set_iff₀
added theorem smul_set_univ₀
added theorem smul_univ₀
modified theorem subset_set_smul_iff₀
modified theorem subsingleton_zero_smul_set
added theorem zero_mem_smul_iff
added theorem zero_mem_smul_set
added theorem zero_mem_smul_set_iff
modified theorem zero_smul_set
modified theorem zero_smul_subset