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Commit 2023-01-13 22:32 9f26ebf2

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feat(analysis/convex/intrinsic): Intrinsic interior and frontier (#18027) Defines the intrinsic interior, closure and boundary of a set in a normed additive torsor (e.g., a real vector space or one of its nonempty affine subspaces). Results:

  • Simple lemmas about those definitions
  • affine_isometry.image_intrinsic_interior: The image of the intrinsic interior under an affine isometry is the relative interior of the image.
  • set.nonempty.intrinsic_interior: The intrinsic interior of a nonempty convex set is nonempty.

Estimated changes

added theorem intrinsic_closure_idem
added theorem intrinsic_closure_mono
added theorem mem_intrinsic_closure
added theorem mem_intrinsic_frontier
added theorem mem_intrinsic_interior