Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2023-01-14 12:14 a0ed43b3

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fix(algebra/order/to_interval_mod): align to_Ico_div with regular division (#18105) The previous definition of to_Ico_div and to_Ico_mod had x = to_Ico_mod a hb x - to_Ico_div a hb x • b; but the usual convention for div and mod is x = x / b + x % b • b. This change flips the sign, and adjust all the lemmas accordingly. As a result, we now have the more natural to_Ico_div a hb x = ⌊(x - a) / b⌋ instead of the previous to_Ico_div a hb x = -⌊(x - a) / b⌋. This also changes

 def mem_Ioo_mod (b x : α) : Prop :=
-∃ z : ℤ, x + z • b ∈ set.Ioo a (a + b)
+∃ z : ℤ, x - z • b ∈ set.Ioo a (a + b)

even though the two are equivalent; because this means that z corresponds to to_Ico_div .

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