Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-01-03 07:35 a49ee49b

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feat(data/finset/functor): Functor structures for finset (#10980) This defines the monad, the commutative applicative and the (almost) traversable functor structures on finset. It all goes in a new file data.finset.functor and picks up the functor instance that was stranded in data.finset.basic by Scott in #2997.

Estimated changes

added theorem finset.bind_def
added theorem finset.fmap_def
added theorem finset.id_traverse
added theorem finset.map_comp_coe
added theorem finset.map_traverse
added theorem finset.pure_def
added theorem finset.seq_def
added theorem finset.seq_left_def
added theorem finset.seq_right_def
added def finset.traverse