Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-04-26 18:22 a5cb13a6

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feat(order/zorn): upward inclusion variant of Zorn's lemma (#7362) add zorn_superset This also add various missing bits of whitespace throughout the file.

Estimated changes

modified theorem zorn.chain.directed_on
modified theorem zorn.chain.image
modified theorem zorn.chain.mono
added theorem zorn.chain.symm
modified theorem
modified def zorn.chain
modified theorem zorn.chain_chain_closure
modified theorem zorn.chain_closure_closure
modified theorem zorn.chain_closure_empty
modified theorem zorn.chain_closure_total
modified theorem zorn.chain_insert
modified theorem zorn.chain_succ
modified def zorn.is_max_chain
modified theorem zorn.max_chain_spec
modified theorem zorn.succ_increasing
modified theorem zorn.succ_spec
added theorem zorn.zorn_superset