Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2018-08-14 16:11 add16e97

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feat(order): add order_dual (similar to with_top/with_bot) and dual order instances

Estimated changes

deleted theorem le_dual_eq_le
added def order_dual
deleted def partial_order.dual
deleted def preorder.dual
added theorem lattice.Inf_eq_top
added theorem lattice.Sup_eq_bot
modified theorem lattice.infi_const
added theorem lattice.infi_eq_bot
added theorem lattice.infi_eq_top
modified theorem lattice.infi_top
modified theorem lattice.supr_bot
modified theorem lattice.supr_const
deleted def ord_continuous
deleted theorem ord_continuous_mono
deleted theorem ord_continuous_sup